EVENT: NCTE CCCC Convention Writing Reclaimed & Revisited

Friday, March 19, 2010 12noon Featured Panel: Writing Reclaimed and Remixed: The Melding of Activism and Art Panelists: DuEwa Frazier, Sophia Quintero, and JLove Calderon Chair: Elisa Marie Norris Panel Description: This session features novelists and poets who are also activists. The panel focuses on what it means to remix the creative and bring activism into popular realms. Bios: DuEwa Frazier DuEwa Frazier is a writer, poet, author, performer, speaker and educator from St. Louis. She is the author of two volumes of poetry: Shedding Light From My Journeys and Stardust Tracks on a Road. DuEwa is the editor and publisher of the 2007 NAACP Image Award nominated publication, Check the Rhyme: An Anthology of Female Poets & Emcees. She earned the B.A. in English at Hampton University and the M.S.Ed. in Curriculum & Teaching ā Literacy at Fordham University. DuEwa is now pursuing the M.F.A. in Creative Writing degree at The New School. She is a Contributing Writer for MahoganyB...