
Showing posts from March, 2010

EVENT: NCTE CCCC Convention Writing Reclaimed & Revisited

Friday, March 19, 2010 12noon Featured Panel: Writing Reclaimed and Remixed: The Melding of Activism and Art Panelists: DuEwa Frazier, Sophia Quintero, and JLove Calderon Chair: Elisa Marie Norris Panel Description: This session features novelists and poets who are also activists. The panel focuses on what it means to remix the creative and bring activism into popular realms. Bios: DuEwa Frazier DuEwa Frazier is a writer, poet, author, performer, speaker and educator from St. Louis. She is the author of two volumes of poetry: Shedding Light From My Journeys and Stardust Tracks on a Road. DuEwa is the editor and publisher of the 2007 NAACP Image Award nominated publication, Check the Rhyme: An Anthology of Female Poets & Emcees. She earned the B.A. in English at Hampton University and the M.S.Ed. in Curriculum & Teaching ā€“ Literacy at Fordham University. DuEwa is now pursuing the M.F.A. in Creative Writing degree at The New School. She is a Contributing Writer for MahoganyB...

Poet, Lucille Clifton 1936-2010

Lucille Clifton 1936-2010 The writing community and the world has suffered a loss: the life and brillance of honored poet, Ms. Lucille Clifton will be missed. Clifton's words shall live on in our hearts, poetry we must past down to our children and their children. The Book of Light by Lucille Clifton is one of my favorite poetry books. I planned to apply to a workshop taught by Ms. Clifton this summer, although I will never have the chance to study with her directly, I will continue to read and appreciate her work. I hope that Ms. Clifton is now joyously dwelling in her very own "garden of delight." Rest in peace Ms. Lucille Clifton. the garden of delight by Lucille Clifton for some it is stone bare smooth as a buttock rounding into the crevasse of the world for some it is extravagant water mouths wide washing together forever for some it is fire for some air and for some certain only of the syllables it is the element they search their lives for ede...

EVENT: StaceyAnn Chin Reads New Book at The New School

THE OTHER SIDE OF PARADISE BY STACEYANN CHIN THE NEW SCHOOL CELEBRATES WOMENā€™S HISTORY MONTH WITH STACEYANN CHIN ā€œHer engaging spirit jumps off the page and captivates our hearts... Weā€™re rooting for her all the way.ā€ Elle magazine raves of Staceyann Chinā€™s new book, The Other Side of Paradise . In celebration of Womenā€™s History Month, Chin will be reading from her book on Thursday, March 11 at 6:00 p.m. at Wollman Hall, 65 West 11th Street, 5th floor. Chin, a writer and activist, is a recipient of the 2007 Power of the Voice Award from The Human Rights Campaign, the 2008 Safe Haven Award from Immigration Equality, the 2008 Honors from the Lesbian AIDS Project, and the 2009 New York State Senate Award. She was a stock feature on the Peabody Award winning HBO series Def Poetry Jam. She went on to co-write and perform as one of the original cast members of the Russell Simmonsā€™ Def Poetry Jam on Broadway, which won a Tony. This reading, co-sponsored by Eugene Lang College , the Office of...

CALL FOR PROPOSALS: 2010 Mosaic Literary Conference

Conference Dates: November 5 & 6, 2010 Location: Hostos Community College 450 Grand Concourse at 149th St., Bronx, NY The Mosaic Literary Conference presents creative ways for keeping books and reading valuable sources of knowledge and creativity. This day of professional-development workshops will help educators incorporate literature into existing curricula to further explore course work that focuses on cultures, history, and social studies. This year we celebrate the 85th anniversary of the birth of Malcolm X and the 45 anniversary of the publishing of The Autobiography of Malcolm X. Panels ā€¢ Workshops ā€¢ Film Early Registration: $25 Early Group Registration: $20 (Registrations of 3 or more people) Request For Proposals The Mosaic Literary Conference provides a platform for literature-based creative thinking and knowledge sharing. Each year we invite educators, arts & community organizations, and parents to participate. MLC is presented by The Literary Freedom Project , a 50...