EVENT: DuEwa Performing at Earth Day Celebrations
ENVIROMEDIA MOBILE- Earth Day Celebrations SUN APRIL 25th- 1PM-5PM IKEA/Erie Basin Park in Red Hook, Brooklyn On Sunday April 25th, 1pm. The ENVIROMEDIA MOBILE- the amazing traveling NATURE and MARITIME Museum on wheels kicks offs its spring/summer weekend fun in waterfront recreation, environment, culture and maritime with EARTH DAY CELEBRATIONS at IKEA/ERIE BASIN PARK in Red Hook, Brooklyn. 5000 people to Join in and help raise the GIANT FLOATING EARTH BALL. - Come help float a Giant Earth Ball to 100ft in the air; signifying 100% commitment to mitigation of impacts on Climate Change, Ocean Acidification, and Fostering a New Green Generation in NYC. -There will also be public tours of the mobile museum, - RECYCLING- Bring your old junk electronics ( carry-by-hand) items only and your old ready to through away sneakers, plus various environmental recreation activity stations, - 2pm Live Music from the " Open Piano on The Soap Box" with guest Lyrical Vocalist/Poet DuEwa Frazi...