
Showing posts from February, 2011

COMING SOON!: The Chatting with Author Feature

I decided I'd like to add something new to the blog here at Rhymes, Views & News. I've been interviewing authors and artists on Rhymes, Views & News Talk Radio for a few years now. I thought it would be great to have a text interview component for the blog. So, coming soon I'll have interview posts featuring authors called "Chatting with..." The subjects may provide writing tips or discuss their recent book. Be on the look out for it!

RADIO INTERVIEW: 2/5 DuEwa Frazier on the Certain Ones Radio Show!

I am featuring on a wonderful radio show hosted by author, Vanessa Richardson this Saturday, February 5th, 2011 at 6:00pm on The Certain Ones Blog Talk Show . The title of the show is "Poetic Elixir For Your Soul!" Also featuring Muyiwa Babalola and Acholam Birago. Listen Live!! Check out The Certain Ones Radio Show this Saturday!

2/12-2/23 EVENTS: Black Comic Day in NYC, Chicago, ATL, and Detroit Featuring Notable Comic Authors

BLACK COMIC BOOK DAY NEW YORK -- Saturday, February 12, bookstores in Chicago, Atlanta and Detroit will host Black Comic Book Day to celebrate and make more widely available the work of African-American comic book writers and artists. In Chicago, four racks permanently dedicated to African-American comics have been placed at venues around the city, including one in the DuSable Museum . New York holds its Black Comic Book Day on February 19, at the Hue-Man Bookstore and CafĆ© in Harlem. While these inaugural events are being held during Black History month, the display racks are permanent, dedicated additions to the stock offered by the hosting bookstores. Black Comic Book Day is the brainchild of artists/writers Turtel Onli, father of ā€œThe Black Ageā€ comic art movement, and Jerry Craft , creator of the award-winning Mamaā€™s Boyz comic strip, distributed by King Features Syndicate since 1995. The idea developed as the duo brainstormed ideas to promote their work along with that of the ...