11/21 RADIO INTERVIEW with Author and CEO, Elinor Stutz

Elinor Stutz had an amazing career in corporate sales for many years before embarking on a new journey, to become a speaker, author and CEO of her own company Smooth Sale . Ms. Stutz shared a heartfelt experience during our November 21st radio interview on Rhymes, Views and News Talk Radio . She experienced a painful health crisis that lead to a triumphant personal breakthrough and revision of her life purpose. This interview further validated my belief that when we are in pain, when we are facing trials, it is the greatest time to revisit our life's purpose and make a new pact in order to decide how we will indeed impact others and the world around us in a more meaningful way. Elinor chose to devote more time to helping others pursue their dreams. Listen to my radio interview with author of Inspired Business , Elinor Stutz and learn new tactics in communicating powerfully with others and developing your business brand!