2014 Harlem Book Fair Saturday, July 12, 2014 2:10pm - 3:15pm Countee Cullen Library - Conference Room B 104 W 136th New York, NY 10030 The Next Chapter: Black Geeks, Heroes, Heroines & Bullies in Middle Grade & Young Adult Books Panel Discussion Featuring: Zetta Elliot ( The Deep, Bird ) Jerry Craft ( The Offenders, Mamaās Boyz ) and DuEwa Frazier ( Deanne in the Middle, Ten Marbles and a Bag to Put Them ) Moderated By: Nina Angela Mercer ( Gutta Beautiful, Gypsy & The Bully Door ) Today's young adult and middle grade market is saturated with stories of vampires, girl cliques, coming of age stories, and teenage redemption. But how do these stories include diverse characters written by authors of color who present themes for "alternate" groups of young readers, ie. Geeks, punks, nerds, sci-fi fans and the like? These diverse, award-winning authors write on a variety of themes which speak to the inte...