
Showing posts from September, 2016

10/15 Book Signing for YA Novel Deanne in the Middle @ Hampton Roads B&N

Author  DuEwa Frazier  will  read from and sign copies of their latest YA novel and other titles at the Hampton Roads Barnes and Noble Bookstore on  Saturday, October 15, 2016 at 5pm Barnes & Noble Peninsula Town Center, Hampton, VA FREE and open to the public! Follow DuEwa on Twitter @duewafrazier1

10/13 EVENT: DuEwa Features at Brick City Poetry Festival -- St. Louis

Tuesday October 13, 2016 at 7pm Opening Reception for St. Louis Brick City Poetry Festival featuring St. Louis Poet Laureate, Dr. Michael Castro, Maria Balogh, David A.N. Jackson, DuEwa Frazier, Linda Smith and more!  Celebrating the word and the release of CROSSING THE DIVIDE: A ST. LOUIS POETRY ANTHOLOGY ! KDHX  3524 Washington Blvd, St. Louis, MO 63103

9/24 EVENT: DuEwa Features at 100 Thousand Poets for Change -- St. Louis

DuEwa will be a featured poet at the  6th Annual ā€œ100 Thousand Poets & Musicians for Change ā€“ St. Louisā€ Produced by Susan ā€œSpit-Fireā€ Lively & Amanda Wells Saturday, Sept. 24th 4:30 ā€“ 10:30 p.m. MELT 2712 Cherokee Street St. Louis, MO 63118 Free and open to the public. Follow DuEwa on Twitter @duewafrazier1

9/19 RADIO INTERVIEW: Author Dan O' Brien on Rhymes, Views & News Talk Radio

Author Dan O' Brien will feature on DuEwa Frazier's Rhymes, Views & News Talk Radio ! Dan will discuss his latest book, SIXTH PRIME.  Listen live on Monday, September 19th @ 7:30pm EST. Call in and talk with the author (929) 477 - 11177.