
Showing posts from June, 2011

Chatting with Cheryl Willis Hudson!

Author Feature: Cheryl Willis Hudson! Bright Eyes, Brown Skin by Cheryl Willis Hudson & Bernette G. Ford ļ»æDF: Cheryl you are an author, consultant, speaker, and highly respected founding co-publisher of Just Us Books . With your commitment to excellence in publishing and promoting books by African American authors, what keeps your vision as an author and publisher moving forward? CWH: Sometimes, itā€™s a challenge to remain positive in the face of all of the negative propaganda that is ever present on TV, in videos, and in the streets of our communities, but as the old folks say ā€œCream rises to the top.ā€ African Americans have a rich and largely undiscovered history of innovation in the arts and we do have a tradition of excellence within our own institutions despite the pervasive images in the media to the contrary. Itā€™s extremely important to keep that tradition of excellence in the forefront of our childrenā€™s lives rather than as a footnote or in the margins of history. Fo...

SEMINAR: 8/13 Author Marita Golden's Women WRITE Now! Part Two

Award-winning and best selling author Marita Golden is offering the second installment of her writing and publishing seminar, Women WRITE Now! on Saturday, August 13, 2011 .  The seminar will feature Golden, author/bloggers Kyra E. Hicks and Anande Leeke, and senior editor, Tracy Sherrod (Simon & Schuster).  Golden is offering one-on-one literary coaching to the first six registrants.  CLICK HERE to visit Marita Golden's blog for more information.

Barbecue & Books Go Hand in Hand: 5 Crazy Ways to Promote Your Book!

ļ»æ How do author's promote? Well there's the good ole' word of mouth, and then there's email blasts, postcards, in person signing/readings and TV/radio talks (if you're really big time). And what about if you're on a budget? Or your publicist quit? Or you've realized that the world that was formerly round to authors is now flat before there's no more "The Oprah Show?" If you're an author (self published or not), who has ever wanted to think outside of the box to promote your book but just didn't know what the heck would make your sales "POP!" this post is for you! Here are humorous yet totally doable event ideas, for the writer who's book marketing game really needs a boost. *****5 Crazy Ways to Promote Your Book!***** (Warning, some of these may tickle your funny bone) 1. Host a Book Signing Barbecue - Hey it's summertime and who doesn't love a reason to gather for good food, drinks, laughs and a BOOK REA...

Children's book memories: Richard Scarry books

Popular children's book author and illustrator Richard Scarry would've been 92 this past June 5th. I have fond memories of my mom reading Richard Scarry books to me when I was very little. We had several of his beloved books in our library along with many other children's books. My parents were educators so literacy was very important. My favorites were Richard Scarry's Cars and Trucks from A to Z , Richard Scarry's Best Story Book Ever ! , Richard Scarry's A Day at the Airport , Richard Scarry's Bedtime Stories , The Gingerbread Man and my MOST FAVORITE Richard Scarry book of all - Good Night, Little Bear ! What a soothing book that was at bedtime. I loved A Day at the Airport because my parents started putting me on planes by myself to see my grandmother in the Midwest when I was four!!! Imagine that. A four-year old traveling alone. I always had a stewardess minder so it was okay. I love The Gingerbread Man because I thought it was cool ...

Chatting with Kelly Starling Lyons!

Author Feature: Kelly Starling Lyons! NEATE: Eddie's Ordeal by Kelly Starling Lyons DF: You are the author of several childrenā€™s books: One Million Men and Me , NEATE: Eddieā€™s Ordeal and forthcoming Ellenā€™s Broom and Tea Cakes for Tosh . How did you start writing for children? KSL: As a child, I rarely saw childrenā€™s books featuring African-American kids. Thatā€™s why it moved me so much to see them as an adult. The first picture book I read with an African-American character on the cover was Something Beautiful by Sharon Dennis Wyeth. That story spoke to me in such a special way. I knew I had to add my voice. The first story I wrote for kids was called Butterfly Wings . It was a story about a girl who wanted time to hurry up and make her taller. It was never published, but it still has a special place in my heart. The next was more personal. Isaiahā€™s Cake was about my brotherā€™s relationship with our grand-dad and how he coped when my grand-dad passed away. For ...

ARTICLE: Are Teen Novels Dark and Depraved?

ļ»æ My answer to this, after taking a very thorough young adult lit class and participating in many in depth discussions during my MFA studies is - "no" with a hint of "yes."  The darkness and depravity is what so many readers love.  If there's no conflict, where is the journey for the reader?  I say "no" to the question understanding that, just because there is "dark matter" in a story, doesn't make it harmful.  The story line can provoke a reader to research the subject, feel validated about what he/she is going through and share what they're learning.  Other than that most of these epic, series novels are pretty darned entertaining.  What teen who's living a dull, routine life wouldn't want to get lost in the life drama of Bella ( Twilight ) or Katniss ( Hunger Games )? YA novels like other genres of literature represent the ups and down of human experience.  Kids are certainly not immune to ups and downs.  YA fiction is he...

NEW BOOK: The Kid by Sapphire

Award-winning poet and novelist Sapphire has a new book - The Kid (Penguin Press HC, The July 5, 2011) I ran into Sapphire in Manhattan several months ago at the subway.  This was right after the release of the film "Precious."  Sapphire is the first person and writer I sought advice from regarding MFA programs when I first moved to NYC.  She earned her MFA degree from Brooklyn College and has been a terrific example of what it means to be a woman artist who is fearless.  Sapphire is one of the few writers whose work affects me in such a way that her words compel me to want to go deeper in my own writing. When we talked last fall, I congratulated her on the success of her works and the film adaptation of Push .  I was interested to know what she would turn her attention to next.  A new volume of poetry? Another novel? Teaching on the college level?  Just from talking with her I could tell she had alot of new opportunities before her.  I re...

EVENT: 6/14 Reading event for Daddy's Home by Solomon Jones

Just in time for Father's Day , bestselling author and award-winning columnist Solomon Jones invites you to a live reading from his hilarious new e-book, Daddy's Home: A Memoir of Fatherhood and Laughter . The reading will be videotaped for a book trailer starring you as the studio audience! Solomon's ebook will be available for download to your Nook and his novels will be available for purchase and signing as well. If you missed Solomon's reading at the Philadelphia Writer's Conference, you must join Solomon at Barnes & Noble Willow Grove for an evening of belly laughs as he shares true stories of fatherhood from a decade of comical memories. WHAT: Daddy's Home -- A Live Reading Starring YOU as the Studio Audience WHEN: Tuesday, June 14, 6:00 P.M. WHERE: Barnes & Noble, 102 Park Ave., Willow Grove PA About the Author ļ»æSolomon Jones is an award-winning columnist whose work has appeared in Essence, Newsday, the Philadelphia Inquirer, and...

EVENT: 6/14 Making Books Sing hosted by Talib Kweli & Cat Greenleaf

  Join Making Books Sing for: A Summer Night to Support Arts Education! Hosted by Emmy award-winning TV journalist, Cat Greenleaf and hip hop artist/activist, Talib Kweli Tuesday, June 14, 2011 7:30pm-9:30pm  @ Brooklyn Brewery 79 North 11th Street (between Berry & Whythe Streets) Brooklyn, NY Tickets: $15 includes one complimentary beer + tasty treats + private tour of Brooklyn Brewery Purchase tickets at  RSVP (reserve tix to pay at the door) to  212-573-8791 ext. 16 This is a 21+ over with ID event! A large percentage of proceeds will be donated to Making Books Sing and is tax-deductible.


The African-American presence in the technology space has been enhanced with the recent release of the first digital storybook for kids, ā€œA Song for Miles.ā€ Written by Dr. Tiffany S. Russell , ā€œA Song for Milesā€ uses black musical history to teach children important life lessons. Launched to coincide with the start of Black Music Month, ā€œA Song for Milesā€ was conceived and produced... READ more on this story via NEWS ONE ļ»æ

NEW CHILDRENS BOOK Summer Jackson: Grown Up

Summer Jackson: Grown Up ļ»æby Theresa E. Harris Charming, funny and conceptually strong, this debut picturebook (illustrated by A.G.Ford) establishes Summer Jackson an irresistible new character Summer Jackson is six years old , and sheā€™s tired of being treated like a little kid. Now itā€™s time to be all grown up, just like Mom and Dad. With cell phone in hand, a long to-do list, and lots of urgent meetings to hold, Summer sets out to be a businesswoman ā€“ especially at recess. CLICK to see Summer Jackson featured in Sunday Book Review at NY Times. ļ»æ