What Season Are You In?

Do you ever find yourself in the midst of a time in your life and you're not quite sure what to call it? Maybe you're doing all the same things you've done in the past, things are going well, but you have an itch, a hunger and GREAT want & need for something a little different. Perhaps you're switching things up in your career, personal life, & in mind, body and spirit. You "sound different" they say. You "look different", you are not the same ole' predictable you. Could it be that you're in a NEW SEASON? You're transforming, dreaming, planning, creating, desiring, contemplating, reflecting (and perhaps procrastinating) right before our very eyes!!!!! Could it be you're embracing a NEW SEASON?

These words may not make much sense to you , but they do for me because I just recently came off of a CrAzY whirlwind year: promoting books (Check the Rhyme Anthology), producing/hosting/performing in events (in NYC, Philly, B-more, ATL & CALI), nurturing relationships/friendships & networking, teaching (middle school English, workshops for girls), and really taking a look at the BIG PICTURE that was/is my life & all that I desire my life to be. After this past year I came to the conclusion that: I NEED A CHANGE!!! In life, you have one chance to do what you love, laugh, be with people you feel good about (who also make you feel good), become what you love & serve the world in one way or another (whether you are good, bad, indifferent, beautiful or ugly).

I'm not mad at you if you're not sure what you want to do, however, I have one bit of advice if you are NOT SURE what you want to do: get still/get quiet/& possibly/maybe get lost. Okay that was more than a bit of advice. What I mean is this: many people will tell you who you are, who you need to be, what they want you to do, who they need you to be, what their dreams/goals/desires were when they were your age/living where you are/knowing the type of people you know/ & may want to know/try to live vicariously through you, directing your life subtley, urging you along with their agenda in mind (blah blah blah). Before you know it. You wake up one day to find, you've been quietly, dutifully floating alone & along, on the gigantic wave of O.P.P. (or O.P.E. - other people's expectations).
Do what you need to do, to get where you want to be and when by writing your own script.

Okay, getting back to my original question: What Season Are You In? You'll know that you're in the glorious season of You when you are finally doing what you want to do, on your own terms without fear, without taking in the insecurities and negativity of others, without doubts, and with the blessings of those who you truly need, admire & are inspired by. I'm in a new season and I'M LOVING IT!!! I can't share all the details (because I'm a girl who always likes to leave a little mystery)...but I will say that this blog is a part of it! From time to time I may post excerpts of essays/articles I've written or I may rant on something totally about pop culture, and that's okay, because for this blog I am not following any rules...
I now have an internet radio show titled...(drum roll please) RHYMES, VIEWS & NEWS created for me to talk about books, interview authors, talk about events, talk about my books & events and just really have a ball exploring the topics which interest me! Listen in this Sunday, September 23rd when I talk with author Dyanne Davis about her latest novel, Many Shades of Gray (Genesis Press).

I previously interviewed my friend and fellow author, Gloria Mallette regarding her ninth and latest novel, Living, Breathing Lies (Gemini Press) and Festival Founder and Editor, Malaika Adero of the UpSouth International Book Festival here in New York City.
I'll be updating you on author/creative/inspirational folk who I interview, as well as upcoming events & my creative adventures.

Stay tuned & don't forget to reflect upon my question-
What Season Are You In?

~ Peace, DuEwa


Prosperity4All said…
Grat information here. It's about being green (or natural) in all areas of our lives. Thank you for spreading the word.

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