REVIEW The Message: 100 Lessons From Hip Hop's Greatest Songs

When you reminisce over hip hop, where do your thoughts take you?
Do you think about the night you went to the roller rink with your friends and you heard NWA's "Express Yourself" pumping loud from the DJ booth, inspiring you to dance to the 70's beats in the song? Or maybe you think about the times you chilled out at the park in your car, with your boyfriend or girlfriend when L.L. Cool J.'s "I Need Love" played on the radio? If you're like me, you may reminisce about your college days: the parties in the student union, the walks with your friends across the bridge to the nearby store, the sorority and fraternity step shows. All of these memories have hip hop wrapped around them. We lived, loved and laughed, riding on the beats of songs by old school and new school hip hop artists. Within the pages of The Message: 100 Life Lessons From Hip Hop's Greatest Songs, author Felicia Pride shares similar memories with us and invokes our hip hop laced past. Not only does she break down the meaning of each of the songs represented within The Message, she also provides inspirational anecdotes from her life. As a self proclaimed hip hopper and journalist, Pride reveals the lessons she has learned, ranging from how to succeed in life, to knowing when to end a failing relationship. The author shines a light on what is positive about hip hop so that we too can absorb valuable insights from these songs. Readers of all ages will be able to get something meaningful from The Message.


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