"Angela's Mixtape" is a must see hip hop play!

Eisa Davis has become one of my Supersheros! She's now in the same category of high genius art and inspiration for us emerging women artists, as Suzan Lori Parks, another creative sista I deeply admire. Eisa is an accomplished playwright, actress, poet and singer/songwriter. Her latest play "Angela's Mixtape" is a memoir, which in its genius, blends her perspective of life growing up as a post-civil rights/hip hop music loving/braniac girl, her thoughts on the meaning of her aunt's life (Angela Davis), and all that young Eisa aspires to be despite her family's criticism. I loved the play, which I saw this past Saturday night. It is running at the Ohio Theater until early May, featuring Eisa Davis and a full cast of actresses playing Eisa's family members (including Angela Davis).

"Angela's Mixtape" is produced by the Hip Hop Theater Festival. You'll love the music featured in the play - a mix of 70's soul, 80's pop/rock and 90's hip hop. Eisa and her castmates are energetic, powerful and present the range of emotions many of us women in arts and letters have gone through to develop into the women we want to be in life!

I won't try to write a play review here, but I must tell you: GO SEE IT RIGHT AWAY!


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