Jazz, Books & Talking to Strangers in DC
So during my Maryland/DC excursion this past weekend, I had to step inside of a few local bookstores. The geek that I am wouldn't allow me to pass up a chance to browse through books, some new, some used, all valuable of course. I first stopped into Busboys & Poets located at 14th and V. St. in DC. I wasn't in the mood to sit down and have a drink. I went straight for the poetry section. There I found books that I've never actually seen because my nose has been in my MFA books for the last 2 years. While in the poetry section, flipping through the glorious pages of several books of poetry I made a list of the books I planned to purchase and read : Femme du Monde: Poems by Patricia Spears Jones , Life on Mars: Poems by Tracy K. Smith, The new blackļ»æ by Evie Shockley, Totem by Gregory Pardlo, Blood Dazzler by Patricia Smith and many others. Some of the books I picked up were signed by the author, others weren't. I found myself feeling like a book groupie. I ...