ARTICLE: Making It Online via

Here is an excerpt of an article I'm mentioned in via The Network Journal (  

Making It Online

Kweli Joins the Ranks of Web Publications
For better or worse, the Internet in the 21st century has certainly changed the ways we access information, be it academic, journalistic or literary; challenging the merit of content and offering a place for creative prose to flourish at the same time. The closings of bookstores nationwide along with the decline of print publications — particularly those with an artistic focus and a specific audience in mind — continue to leave readers, writers and publishers wondering about the future of hardcover books and outlets for literary works in general. Although low circulation, loss of advertising dollars, and even concern for the environment have led to rethinking strategies within the publishing market, the Internet has been the impetus behind the emergence of countless online publications. In 2009, Poets & Writers magazine, in the article “From Page to Pixels: The Evolution of Online Journals,” commented that “Today’s best online journals offer innovation as well as visibility.” So with a strong belief on that promise, Kweli Journal (, in 2009, joined the growing number of online publications.   CLICK TO READ THE REST OF THIS ARTICLE...


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