Teen Writing Contest Winners with Guest Authors
I had the honor of being a guest author this past Monday for the
2014 Teen Writing Contest Reception
at the Brooklyn Public Library. The program honored the winning teen
writers who submitted to the Brooklyn Public Library’s annual contest.
The young writers submitted both prose writing and poetry. The
reception was lovely. The students and their families arrived and
mingled with the notable guest authors:
DuEwa Frazier, Matt de La Pena, Jason Reynolds and
Una LaMarche. It was great to talk with the teen writers and fellow
young adult and children’s authors.
photo above shows all of the contest winners and guest authors. Each talented student writer read their work at the podium. After the reading, I
participated in a panel discussion about writing and publishing with the
other authors. The teens and the program coordinator asked us some
pretty good questions such as:
- What is the best writing advice you’ve received?
- When did you start writing?
- When did you decide to pursue publishing?
- What do you do when you have writers block?
The students also asked us questions about how we feel about putting
ourselves into characters. I had flashbacks to my time as an M.F.A. in
writing grad student workshopping my stories. The teens also asked,
“What advice would you give?” My reply was, “Never let anyone
invalidate your voice, your perspective. Know that your voice is
valuable, you are of value.”
Follow DuEwa on Twitter @duewafrazier1